University Financial Management (UFM) Suite

The UFM Suite provides a reliable, consistent set of data for university-wide and college-level financial reporting while supporting analysis of underlying detail for improved fiscal decision making. By using the UFM Suite, OSU leadership has the data to effectively manage their resources by understanding revenue sources and drivers to make tradeoffs between the highest and lowest priority investments.

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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 dashboards
Unit Finance Dashboard
The Unit Finance Dashboard explores revenues or expenses compared to previous years, budget utilization, and YTD fund balance.
  1. What are Revenues or Expenses compared to previous years?
  2. What is the percentage of the budget that has been utilized?
  3. What is the YTD Fund Balance?
Instructor Credit Load Dashboard
Explore credits taught by your college, and the makeup of instructor credit load.
  1. How many Credits does my College teach?
  2. What is the make up of Course Types for my College or my Schools/Departments?
  3. What is the Instructor Credit Load for each Instructor in my College?
Payroll Dashboard
Learn about payroll distribution by college or department, job bracket, personal level, or fund type.
  1. What is the Payroll Distribution by College/Department, Job Bracket, or Fund type?
  2. What is the Payroll Distribution by Person, or Person Level by Fund Type?
Budget Model Reporting Dashboard
Explore data about attempted credits hours, and minors awarded.
  1. How many Attempted Credit Hours does my college teach?
  2. How many Minors does my college award?